Anyway. Let's see, my art projects are coming along swimmingly. When they're all complete I guess I'll post pictures, but so far I've completed one inky one and what will probably end up to be the magnum opus of the whole series. (And will later probably end up in Robby D's possession.) The inky one is when you sketch out a picture of someone (preferably a portrait) and then ink it with words, as opposed to shadowing it and stuff as you normally would. The magnum opus one is in gray and black and white paint and is pretty darned cool, if I do say so myself. It needs a few more coats of white paint and Kerouac's hair needs to be touched up, but that's relatively minor. Over break I'll be working on the next one in the portrait part, another inky one that's more cute than serious--it's Kerouac holding a cat, who I'm going to pretend is his Tyke.
Which only exists in small form, unfortunately, so I'm not feeling as optimistic about this one. After that, there will be two or three short comics, and Maghini might exempt me from the next few regular projects to do big paintings of Ginsberg and Burroughs. Speaking of Maghini, the other day she read about how Burroughs killed his wife (I was not aware of that fact, but I'm not entirely surprised) and thought of me. I, uh? No comment...

Ehhh. So, this isn't much of a book update, but guess what, this is my blog and not yours, and also I don't feel like writing a story draft for Marky Mark.
Oh, and I'm pumped about this project and can't stop talking about the damned thing. Actually, I can turn this into a book post sort of. We're reading On the Road in Robby D's, and I decided because I for some reason get very picky about my Kerouac books (ex. I didn't take the chance to get a third-edition copy of Dharma Bums because of its look and feel--displeasing compared to the copy I had first read) I'd go ahead and read my copy anyway (it's the original scroll. I'm no n00b.) I'd still read the school's copy alongside it--you know, to compare. MY FAVORITE SCENE IS CUT OUT. Actually, I kind of feel uncomfortable saying it's my favorite scene now knowing that Burroughs shot his wife in the face or whatever.
Yuuuup. In other news, I've had a very accident prone day. I was just chewing ice and the ice hit my gums on the roof of my mouth right between my two front teeth and now I'm bleeding like mad. And I slipped on the driveway walking from the mailbox. and I slid down the mini-hill thrice. And I fell on my butt when I was chasing Dante over where the pool used to be. And outside of Target I made very intimate friends with the wall. HAVE I WORKED OUT MY BAD KARMA YET??
You didn't know about Burroughs?! Yeah, he's a weird dude. He was like shooting an apple off her head (an old trick they liked to do) and he missed. Horribly. Oh, William S. Burroughs, when are you not disturbing?
ReplyDeleteUm, what's your favorite scene?! YOUR READERS WANT TO KNOW!!!!!!!
And that sucks! Stop beating yourself up, Ang! :P
ReplyDeleteAnd, it's this scene with Burroughs and I want to say Ginsberg? But they're at Burroughs's home and they kneel in the road and start blessing each other with vows of eternal friendship and stuff. It's--it's much better the way Kerouac writes it.
You're telling me!
Um, that's in "On The Road"? Do you mean the characters he modeled after them? I'm confused! :?
ReplyDeleteSorry--the original it's in. The names are changed so Burroughs is 'Old Bull Lee' and Ginsberg is... uh... someone else. And that scene isn't even in the book. In fact, I think that entire scene where they go to Burroughs's home is completely cut out of the copy you read...
ReplyDeleteOh, no. They definitely went to Old Bull Lee's house in my copy of "On the Road". I remember because one of my favorite moments happened on his porch. It was in Louisiana, wasn't it?
ReplyDeleteYeah. But then maybe he just cut out that scene where they were blessing each other because I distinctly remember yelling at the school's copy of the book. Bad, bad book! Don't you cut out my favorite scene! No dinner tonight.
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