Monday, July 13, 2009

Last year's wishes are this year's apologies

So.. I got all embarrassed that CJ and Jackii would be reading that mis-mosh of a last post... so I felt the need to do a mini follow-up and kind of draw more on the Satan/Tyler Durden thing.
Well, any leader of a rebellion could be put as similar to Satan, really. It's just, Tyler's the first one to come to mind. But really:
First: Tyler started the Fight Club. This attracted those people who were fed up with... dare i say it? 'the man', for lack of a better way, and who needed release, who needed to 'wreck' themselves--sort of lone wolves. Kind of.
I doubt Satan started his own Angel Fight Club (that would do hell on wings, no? Eek.) but somehow, he managed to sniff out angels who were equally as fed up as their version of 'the man'--God. Tired of living under government and law and order and such. Err, god. Law and order and such. Those whom he could attract with his sweet tongue (he's known for being 'the great seducer') became interested and intrigued--enough to follow him back home. Kind of like with Angel face? This sounded better in my head.
They were both commanders of great charisma--which is an important point... Griffith. (Berserk, for those of you who don't get it. Griffith is basically Satan with an angel's face and charisma, slowly leading the medieval world to ruin... picking up the lost and beaten who are desperate for a leader... of course.)
So Tyler Durden is just a convenient, easy comparison--really, any charismatic whomever who led a (successful) rebellion (there is no doubt in my mind that after the book, the Flight Club was able to exist on its own, eventually Tyler came out, and all hell broke lose). But, in that case, Tyler being banished into the recesses of Jack's brain for X amount of time, to start something new X amount of years later... sounds familiar, huh? I'm sure Palahniuk didn't plan that, though. Maybe. Anyways. Take this as you will, as I suck at explaining.

Yesterday I was feverish, so I started Post Office by Bukowski, so in case if I threw up I wouldn't be throwing up on one of Meg's books. I finished it at work today (I was feeling well enough to go in, rest assured!)... I don't think it was as... idk, meaty as Factotum. (Is that even the right word?) but it was by far funnier. One of my favorite scenes was the scene where Chinaski cooks lots of sea food in celebration--and he cooks some snails up in "golden butter" as part of the meal. He's loving it, as he should be, but his then-girl, Joyce, won't eat them. Why? Because "'They all have tiny little assholes!'" HAHAHA! I just about died when I read that. I'm not entirely sure why it struck me as so funny, or why it still does, but whatever the reason, all in all, it cracks me up. Funny book.
After I finished it, I spent maybe twenty minutes staring at its publishing company's logo trying to figure out what other book I owned by 'ecco'. Factotum. Duh.

Let's see, I finished Jane Eyre too. Ehh.... I thought it was quite mediocre. The whole of it rather bored me, the interlude when she discovers her cousin was hardly necessary, and it appears she marries at the end out of pity. Perhaps I missed the point, which is possible, because the whole damned thing was like slogging through mud, but really. If the Bronte sisters found this acceptable for print, I'm scared to read Wuthering Heights.

...Which, in any case, won't be for a while. I decided to bite the bullet and read War and Peace. I'd much rather enjoy the beautiful quality of the copy of it I own... It's bound in real leather... has gold-tinted protection to prevent page-ripping and fraying... and it's bound so it looks like it was printed in the '30's or '40's, even though at anything more than a cursory glance you can tell it hasn't been... but still...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. i forgot to do spellcheck, and now i can't get back. so you enjoy my fail.

  3. I love the song in this title too! My favorite lyric from that song, though, is "From a sour-bottomed baby girl with eyes the size of baby worlds"

    Otherwise, I didn't follow a thing from this post. Probably because I haven't read any of these books but also because you're too smart for me. *Cloud appears above my head and starts raining on me*


    no i'm not. you're valedictorian. i only pass because i'm a teacher's pet : P

  5. You cannot be serious!!! CAN'T WE AGREE ON ANYTHING???!!?! I think that line's pretty!

    And don't sell yourself short! You're also a prophecy girl! =D

  6. it fills me with rage, but i'm not sure why.

    well, yes, but i didn't want to get into that online *wink wink* whaaaaat!?
