Monday, July 20, 2009

As he faced the sun he cast no shadow

So, to please my drunk, possibly paraplegic sister Emma, I'm updating! Well, also cause I finished Survivor for the 756795546th time. I was reading it on the side, because it's much easier to carry around than War and Peace. Anyways. As you've gathered, because I've written about it before, I am quite fond of the book, and Palahniuk in general. I can't really say much more for it than has already been said in the quotes on the covers--look, it's a good book. Not only that, it's still new every time. Invisible Monsters and Fight Club I know down pat. No longer do I read Invisible Monsters with that sunken feeling under my skin--that's how many times I've read it. But this, when they bring up Fertility Hollis's evil job, I'm always like what the--what is it? Is she a prostitute? An abortionist? Hm? And I never remember what happens to Adam. And Tender is so different in the second half of the book that I vaguely know, kind of remember, what will be, but I don't really remember at all. It kind of comes back, but not fully until it's fully there for me. I don't know what black magic was used to give the book this flavor, but it probably has something to do with the fact that Chuck is God--hey, someone had to fill Vonnegut's shoes. (No? No takers? 'Kay.) *Ahem* Well. I always cite Invisible Monsters as my favorite of his, and really I think it is ("Rip yourself open. Sew yourself shut.") but Survivor just seems... I dunno, meatier, I guess. It strikes me as the most developed of his writings--at least from what I've read. And Tender is the most character character. I mean, he actually changes and grows and stuff. I mean... the most. And whenever I reread his books (except Diary--that scene where he puts the pin through his nipple grossed me out too much to even think about rereading it ever) I always draw out rereading this to the very last bit... Like I'm scared. And I can't imagine of what. Maybe that it'll lose its flavor for me? That I'll start feeling like Fertility when I read it?

Speaking of him, Jackii (after watching The Jane Austen Book Club) decided she'd start a CP book club. So, if you're in the area and interested... Emma.... feel free to ask about it. The first rule about CP book club is, of course, don't talk about CP book club. Blog about it if you dare, though. Go on. You'll earn your name.

I also discovered Narnia today. Turns out there is a doorway from CT, and it's right in Emma's house. I'm totally jealous! I want a doorway to Narnia! But minus the bears and that creepy butterfly/moth thingy. Those I can do without.

So, in a blinding revelation over a tomato sandwich and a book of vampire stories, I realized why we call God 'God'. I mean, you know, cause other gods have cool names--like Athena, Vishnu, David Bowie, etc--but God is just God--he's still in the 'noun' stage. But duh! He refers to himself in the Old Testament, I believe when Moses is talking to the burning bush and asks "Who are you?", as "I Am that I Am". Basically he's saying exactly that. He is God, but he's a God, I mean, the God, but he doesn't need a fancy name really, because he is what he is.
So... so I just thought I'd share that with everyone.


  1. Way to be deep, Ang. I didn't know you were going to go all theological on me! And way to give away Narnia's location! Narnia is like fight club, you don't talk about fight club, you don't talk about Narnia!!! As awesome as that book club sounds, I've never read any of CP's books, and that nipple thing isn't exactly making me want to. Besides, I'm sure after these comments, any of my opinions would be pretty lame and paltry in comparison. But if you really, honestly love them that much, I'll add one or two to my queue. That's right, I rhymed and talked British in that last sentence. I have mad skills.

    By the way, the creepy moth is gone but there is this icky stain on my window now, like he exploded and then slid down my window...slowly. Thought you should know!

  2. hey! it's not like I gave the world your address! and even if i did, how many people could really survive getting up your driveway?? but i didn't talk about it! I blogged! ...good god, can you imagine fighting Aslan...?
    Yeah, it's totally gross. Even grosser than all those scenes in Junky where Burroughs describes shooting up. And yes! Invisible Monsters. Pick whatever else you want, just make sure IM is on there. She made the group too, in case you want me to invite you or some madness.

