Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Lights out, man

So, today work was canceled, so I'll be finishing War and Peace later than expected (like you care) but probably at least by next Wednesday. Because you care oh so much.

You know what I think is a totally overrated series/character? Sherlock Holmes. I finally took A Study in Scarlet off hold and just pulled the bookmarks out. (I was about 3/4 of the way through) It's so boring! Now, I'm not a fan of the mystery genre. But it's beyond that--Sherlock Holmes himself just pisses me off. There's something about him. He just happens to know everything. "Oh hey, I know German. And Latin. And Japanese. And L337. Oh? What's that? No, screw you, you're wrong. How do I know this isn't an attempt at spelling a name or anything else? F you is why. Oh well, I just happen to have a PhD in botany. And chemistry. And zoology. And guess what else? I'm the second coming, bitches!" Really. he just seems like a cocky, stuck-up a-hole. Who just happens to know everything, and doesn't mind throwing it around. Really man, get a girlfriend, or at least laid. An opium addiction? Really, you need something else in your life. Maybe have a few benders. Invent fraternities.
And then that jump to the West!? That's where they really lost me. Like in Jane Eyre, they always capitalize the word 'providence'. What the--did you just walk to Rhode Island!? And Holmes just spirited away to the West. No, he didn't. But where did it come from? I don't know. I'll never know. And that's great, because I don't care. Now shut up Holmes. You too, Watson. You and your... moustache. Nah, I'm kidding, we're cool. That moustache makes you a BAMF.
But, I still feel obliged to read Hound of the Baskervilles. And lie when Mrs A asks how I've been enjoying Sherlock Holmes. I always feel really bad when I hate a book teachers love, unless if it's anything Ms Byrd likes. THE SCARLET LETTER SUCKS, PEOPLE! And The Great Gatsby? More like, The Mediocre Gatsby! Yeah? Yeah? Nah, I don't blame you for not laughing...
Also, they're making a Sherlock Holmes movie (the trailer is on HP) which... well. It's got sex, explosions, and action. Which is precisely what Sherlock Holmes isn't. Trust me, drier than the turkey on Thanksgiving. And without the bread stuffing option. It feels far too modern, you know? They didn't have sex or explosions back then, guys. Come on. The closest to sex were the allegations about Oscar Wilde and the closest to explosions there were... the explosions over the controversy from Birth of a Nation. (Did I just span 20 years!? I mean, those happened right in the same time. Definitely.) But it's too modern a twist. I'll just sit at home and watch the old 1930ish or so films. Did you know?: The man famous for playing Holmes in those early films built a castle which is in East Haddam, CT? I've never been, but it looks interesting enough.

And, ten thousand years ago, my teacher put the Their Eyes Were Watching God audio book on my flash drive--I finally got around to listening to... the first half of part one. Speaking of books I lied to my teachers about because I felt too bad to say how I really felt about it... Look, I didn't quite hate it, but I was not fond of it at all. Ugh. Although I'm sure some of it can be attributed to the fact that I couldn't 'connect' with the main character hardly at all. I mean, we were both female. Great. That's it. And I could follow it, but really... but really, this is about my opinion of books. It wasn't boring, it just didn't hook me. I guess someone somewhere must like it, but I can't imagine it. Not even either of the teachers who love it so. But maybe it's like Catcher in the Rye, either you love it, or you want to burn the book. I liked it. Not like one of those people who treat it like their bible, but it was a pretty good book. Just so you know my stance on it.


  1. A) I think you need some opium, to calm down about Sherlock Holmes. No, I'm not sure if opium is a depressant or not but I don't care.

    B) The Great Gatsby is a bangin' book! The end where it's just Nick and the Guy with the Glasses at the funeral was so...I don't want to say devastating because you'll make fun of me but it's true. I felt devastated during that part. If I hadn't read it two years ago, I'd provide more examples of its awesomeness but it has been a while so you'll just have to trust me (or not, which is probably what will happen!)

    C) Their Eyes were Watching God was indeed an uninteresting book. I mean, it was okay but Janie could have jumped off a cliff and i couldn't have cared less. Besides, there was no drama in the story, she just hopped from one marriage to another. Nobody was beating her or threatening Tea Cake to duels, stuff just happened. Uninterestingly. There was absolutely no suspense or dramatic tension whatsoever, even when they were in the middle of a freaking hurricane! I did kind of like Hurston's voice in the book though. Frankly, I'd rather read her observations about life, pure and simple, without the hassle of caring whether Tea Cake has rabies or not (ugh, how creepy! And then she has to shoot him and then there's the trial, when we're like 12 pages from the end of the book so you know nothing is going to happen to her, except that people are all gossipy and bitchy about her. Ooh, the drama!)

    The End

  2. A. it is

    B. i was unimpressed. i could have predicted that ending. twilight zone has given me the power to predict all ironical situations ever birthed

    C. I didn't even get they were in a hurricane. Everything was ruined afterwards and I was like what the hell happened? Oooh, gossip! I bet Ms Byrd likes that book too, cause that's basically the only thing that happens ever in the Scarlet Letter

  3. A) Well then, take some

    B) Well, it was pretty obvious that Gatsby was a goner but, even if I could have seen it all coming, it still left me feeling sad and there was this dead-on-the-inside atmosphere to the end of the book. I liked it, a lot.

    C) Yeah, that part was messed up. Like. I'd buy a rabid dog but a rabid dog on top of a cow in a hurricane? Puh-lease!

  4. A. no. i'll end up like the supermodel!

    C. though, arguably, it's taught us to avoid rabid dogs in general--and guys named *pfft* Tea Cake

  5. A) You're already a supermodel....in my eyes ;)

    C) I KNOW! Where did that name come from??!?! And yeah, but we live near lots of cows, and if Their Eyes Were Watching God taught us anything, it's that, where there are cows, there are rabid dogs standing on top of them...

  6. A. oh no! Or is that a good thing?

    C. i'm glad i live near a vegetable farm, then. i hop rabid dogs don't hang out near corn.

  7. A) I meant it as a compliment

    C) I bet they do...
