Monday, February 15, 2010

If you liked it then you should have put a bit on it

So, I finished All the Pretty Horses by Cormac McCarthy. This kid, John Grady Cole, decides to go to Mexico and he goes with these two other guys and he has sex with a teenage Mexican girl and he gets hurt a lot (it seems like his boots are always full of blood. To the point of my wondering if McCarthy knows any other ways to describe the severity of wounds) and it's the first in a trilogy which I will not complete.

Man, that made me sound totally cynical, huh? I just wasn't buying it. One, there's not a huge amount about horses, but about halfway through there's pages and pages and pages about horses and breaking them and that was enough to make me hate the last half of the book. Look. Horses are boring. King of the Wind is boring. Black Beauty is boring. That Dreamworks movie about that horse that's the same color as my dog... boring. Even in small amounts, they are boring. Obviously my full disdain for horses--at the very least media about horses--was misunderstood or underestimated by Robby D. THEY ARE BORING. I mean, they're nice to pet or whatever, but boring. It's not like they pull sleighs full of medicine across Alaska to sick kids dying of typhoid fever. Anyway. Before I hated the book, I had trouble being drawn in. The whole genre, gunfighters in the West or what have you just don't really interest me. Maybe the occasional Tom Mix movie, but even then. It just kind of leaves me cold. I'm indifferent.

"'Strangest thing I ever ate,' said Blevins. 'I guess I'd have to say that would be an oyster'" (63). This made me laugh. An oyster! An oyster?? And then I remembered they were in the middle of Texas. Strangest thing I've ever eaten? Escargot. Way better than an oyster, though. Mmmm.

"'Somebody can wake up and sneeze somewhere in Arkansas or some damn place and before you're done there's wars and ruination and all hell" (92). Oh, you mean like how a single butterfly flapping its wings here can cause a tornado or whatever in Brazil? I like the single butterfly flapping thing much better. At least there's some correlation, you know, the wind no matter how slight it be to a great wind. I can't correlate a sneeze with war and ruination. To me, it looks like what's being said is just STUFF HAPPENS RANDOMLY. The idea of cause and effect is lost in McCarthy's take on the saying.

"'You can't do nothin with a dead person. Only Jesus could do that" (297). The best quote from the entire book.

Yup. So, I'll be thinking twice before I read another McCarthy book. I probably have not done the book justice--but like I said, it's just not my thing. I'm not so into this genre.

What am I into? Recently, it's been White Collar. It's a show on HBO, so I can't watch it normally at home, but when I babysit and the kids are asleep I can watch it. To be honest, I first started watching because of Matthew Bomer , but I have quickly gotten into the plot and flow of the story. He's an ex-white collar criminal, and he's been hired by the feds to catch others of his breed. He's got a sweet tongue, a trustable face, great acting, and my heart--err, lots of talent. It's an interesting show. It's more my speed than wandering about Mexico as a somewhat modern-day cowboy. Soooo yepppp.


  1. Um, sweetie, that show is on USA, which is cable, which means you can watch it whenever. YAY!

    Other than that, all I can say is I'm glad I didn't have to read this book last year.

    OH MY GOSH! I just sneezed! LOOK OUT!

    Heeeeeeeyyyy, I love you. :D

  2. Wha--really!? What channel is USA?

    Yeah. You should be. Borrrrrring. Their Eyes Were Watching God at least had some interesting quotable bits here and there, but this, this was like Ernest Hemingway. Yuck.


    Heyyyyyyyyyyy, love you too!

    Haha. I wasn't sure you'd get it and you'd be all, she's dumb. Hey. Don't be talking smack. I got gang ties now.

  3. I think it's channel 36 in NB...and I still don't know the channels up here but I watched White Collar at like 2 am this, good times/

    Yes, there were a few good quotes in Their Eyes Were Watching God. It was just the plot that was icky and boring.


    YESSSS! Winner!

    I'm not talking smack...I thought we had established this!! GOSH! And I know that, duh!

  4. The word I had to type in to make this comment was "Whologul". That should be what Dr. Who fans are called! Haha...sorry...I'll go now...

  5. Yeah. My favorite was something like "false gods are honored in song and wine and true gods are honored with blood." Or something like that.

    Just making sure!

    Or a fancy dinner made from seagull!

  6. Mine was "Love is like the tide. It's different for every shore it lands on" or some such romantic crap!

    OR! A seriously inept wizard in a children's book!
    (And, really, Ang? You want to EAT seagull?)

  7. YES! And, no, I don't *want* to eat it, but hey. I bet that cowboy dude would make me eat it. He's be all, "You New Englanders, think your oysters are so great, eat some of MY native dishes!" Except seagulls probably aren't native to Texas. So, I guess I'm safe... this time.

  8. Hahahahahahahaha! You run with a strange crowd if you're only safe THIS time!
